Saturday daydreaming

A wonderful sense of contentment is settling in me. I've spent my morning putting my domestic bits back in order. Well, some of them at least. And to my delight, quiet has descended upon my mid-century brick bungalow. My people are away on adventures for the afternoon, Daisy the Jack Russell Terrier is languorously sunning in a patch of warmth on the hardwood floors, and a hot cup of tea steams in front of me. Delicious. And out through my kitchen window, the sky is a crisp winter's blue. Immense clouds glide past, reminiscent of character balloons in big-city parades. In fact, that one hovering over the distant tree line bears an uncanny resemblance to a Muppet. Or maybe I've just got the Swedish Chef on my mind. Meatballs, anyone?

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